This is a television series based on thePretty Little Liarsseries of novels bySara Shepard. The series follows the lives of four girls — Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily.
Alison, Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer are best friends; the popular group at Rosewood High School. At a slumber party, mysteriously, queen bee Alison disappears, leaving the rest of her crew clueless. The mystery went on for a year, but finally her body was found and the missing person's case turned into a murder. The girls start getting harassing text messages from a unknown number from "A". Each message to each girl was a secret that only Alison knew, and no one else. Everyone thought it was Alison sending the secret messages until they found her lifeless body. The girls are now on a quest to figure out who "A" is and how they found out their secrets.